A grandmothers unconditional love is like no other. So today I am simply sharing photos of my grandmother who was such an amazing role model for me on her First Heavenly Birthday. Love and Miss you Nanny!
She was one who never like seeing photos of herself. All her photos with her in them have a little circle cut out where her head should be. Something we always laughed about. So this photo is very special me. She knew my passion to learn photography and was a willing participant to let me photograph her during her final years of caring for her.
A woman of faith
Another favorite photo that is very special to me is her hands on her bible. Everyday she read her bible. Even until the end you would find her in her chair reading. The gold cross she wore everyday around her neck is one I now wear around mine.
Our weekly trips
Another special photo is our weekly trips to the hairdresser. We would visit the hair dresser every week and then head to the ice-cream shop to spoil our dinner. We would drive around the country until our ice-cream was gone looking at the things God had blessed us with. Her favorites were the beautiful blue sky's and flowers. When reaching home she would head straight to the bathroom, comb in hand and comb it flat. Always a laugh from me that the hair was just the way to get out and eat ice-cream.
Waiting to be called home
The last image I share is one of her looking out her bedroom window. For her last few years she wanted to go home see her mother and father. Now I knew exactly what she meant. Her 97 year old body was ready to rest. To go "Home" to see the people she loved. I miss her everyday but I know she is "Home."